About UniCoding
Расскажите всем о своем опыте, поделитесь своими навыками. Узнавайте что-то новое и помогайте молодым разработчикам. А может вы хотите поменять сферу деятельности и уйти в IT? Добро пожаловать на борт!

There are over a thousand different programming languages ​​in the world. Many of them are not entirely useless. You can make a great career if you are fluent in 3-4 programming languages. But don't be alarmed, they are not as complex as human languages.

Programming languages ​​are often described with a paradigm, which is a way of categorizing the functionality they have. For example, JavaScript is the language that all web browsers run in and is arguably the most popular programming language in the world. It has a diverse set of features; I can say that JavaScript supports imperative, structured, object-oriented and event-driven paradigms.

Programming languages ​​have one feature - if two languages ​​have similarities in paradigms, then, as a rule, they are similar in syntax. After learning JavaScript, you should be able to understand up to 75% of the Python or Ruby code, as they are similar.

Practical skills and abilities are important in programming. You can read textbooks and watch videos as much as you want, but for the brain the best way to learn something is the process of working and interacting with a specific task itself.

It is when they show you something in practice in the process of work and you immediately immerse yourself in the problem - there will be more chances to master the material.

The UniCoding website is designed for all programmers - beginners and experienced. Our goal is to bring together practical tasks, training materials and employer suggestions.

You can create personal pages, groups, discuss popular events, share news, sell computers and devices, as well as related products.

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